EExecute the statement returning a IDataReader of results and output parameters
EExecute the statement returning a IDataReader of results and output parameters
public IDataReader ExecuteDataReader(string,HybridDictionary,ref HybridDictionary,params CommandBehavior[]);
Execute the statement returning a IDataReader of results using a transaction and also returning output parameters
public IDataReader ExecuteDataReader(string,HybridDictionary,ref HybridDictionary,IDbTransaction,params CommandBehavior[]);
Execute the statement returning a IDataReader of results
public IDataReader ExecuteDataReader(string,HybridDictionary,params CommandBehavior[]);
Execute the statement returning a IDataReader of results with a transaction
public IDataReader ExecuteDataReader(string,HybridDictionary,IDbTransaction,params CommandBehavior[]);
Execute the statement returning a IDataReader of results
public IDataReader ExecuteDataReader(string,params CommandBehavior[]);
DataFactory Class | SnapDAL Namespace